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It would be really nice to have that function. Changing it globally or using T-Clock isn't any solution. It might break taskbar and I couldn't even set a proper font for it. Maybe its problem is that it's too complex and replaces the clock instead of modifying it.

We need a simple solution that will only modify the format of the taskbar clock that won't affect anything else.

In short to decide what in which format and in how many lines will be displayed using the system clock.

It already has that option in advanced options called 'scroll_reverse_cycle'. Set it to 1 and you'll have what you want.

I've somehow produced the effect by setting it to show labels and modify registry to set the size of buttons:
in 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Desktop\WindowMetrics' I've created string 'MinWidth'.
It was said to set it to 56, but buttons was smaller, so I set 62 and they're in propper size.

It shows the effect after relogging.

I've checked the option one more time and it seems that it works. Sorry about the confusion.

Thanks a lot for adding the option.

Yes the new options for active window by clicking in taskbar's empty space works great. Thanks a lot.

Yes, it seems to fix problem with scrolling. Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately seems to not work at all.

I could reproduce it. Looks like a bug of Windows, and I found a way to reproduce it programatically and reliably. Explorer uses the unsupported SwitchToThisWindow function to bring a window to front. If you call this function several times in a short interval, the window restores if it was maximized.

I'm glad you could find it.

I can guess why it happens. The second (or so) call still thinks that the window is minimized, and so tries to restore it. But once the window gets the restore request, it's not minimized anymore, so it interprets it as "restore from being maximized". So kind of a race condition.

Yeah, I thought it could be the case.

That's how Windows work, and the best I can do is to add an artificial limit on the frequency of the SwitchToThisWindow calls. Since this is quite a rare situation, I don't believe it's worth the hack, which is not a complete solution anyway, and can lead to other problems such as worse responsiveness.

Well, as an advance option it shouldn't harm anyone. So I hope you'll add it.