انجام شده

Combine grouped buttons doesn't combine v5.2.9.2

ناشناس 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 1
Group by Application ID and Combine grouped buttons are selected and Never combine is set in taskbar properties. Still all the buttons are visible per app ID.

Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش

That should be fixed in v5.2.9.3, among other things. Please try it.

Not a bug

taskbar tweaker не удалось загрузить библиотеку 104​

PROZAC 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 3

сегодня обновил винду через центр обновлений и 7+ выдет такую ошибку - taskbar tweaker не удалось загрузить библиотеку 104

Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش

Это известная проблема. На эту тему уже есть топик:


Not a bug

could not load library(104) on Windows Creative update build(1703)

ناشناس 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 2

And I was unable to "inject" the inject.dll, even I tried to reinstall.


Windows 10 1703 7+ error

ناشناس 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 1

Windows 10 1703 7+ error 104# error

Not a bug

middle click only works in the lower half of task bar

ناشناس 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 3


Middle click on task bar button to close window only works if clicked in the lower half of the button.Upper half: taskbar "blinks" but no result. Win7.


-Same for task bar on top

-No issues if task bar left/vertical

But: Great tool!


Add Aero Peek box on multi-monitor taskbars

ناشناس 7 years پیش 0

Having the Aero Peek button/area at the right corner of each monitor's taskbar in Windows 10 would be extremely useful and appreciated!

Currently, Microsoft only shows on the primary display, and that can be very frustrating with dual monitors.


(Windows bug) Toolbar makes taskbar to change height

Cabco 7 years پیش 0

This is a very old problem that microsoft didn't fixed yet.
Since windows 7 i have used a toolbar with "ThisPC", that is super useful, for example when you plug a usb, etc.
The problem is that if you set the icon size of the toolbar to big, that makes the whole taskbar taller, and the app buttons get a space at the bottom, that makes the buttons hard to click.

Image 128
It would be great if you could fix it, it could be as simple as changing the height of the toolbar buttons.
Here is a post of a guy talking about that: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/taskbar-changes-height-when-toolbars-have-icons/d180b0a8-000c-4921-89b1-862df0d5f92c
And this will also fix the second request of this: http://tweaker.userecho.com/topics/476-multiple-system-trays-a-few-other-request/

I'd like to congratulate you for this great app, thanks.


New instance (of explorer) with same content/file (folder path)

Clemens 7 years پیش 0

I'm using the 'New instance' (default: middle mouse click) feature A LOT !
I recogniced that often when opening on that way a new explorer, I go somewhere close to where the "father's" explorer's path was.
So I concluded that it would be very useful to have an (additionally) way to open a new Instance with the father's content. Well, 'content'is probably too general and unprecise/different from app to app! But each appliciation with a specific file or folder opened should be able to deliver this to the new instance (extra Hotkey for example).

So a notepad or vim, which starts with the same file opened, could be quite useful in fact.

The maybe most flexibel way would be to let the user decide on his own which command line should be delivered to the new instane. With the speciality to have the file/folder path as a variable available.

Best greetings,


P.S. thanks for that high qualitiy plus useful software you produce(d) for you and the rest of the world!!

Not a bug

Clicking stacked explorer windows button makes thumbnails pop up, blink, and disappear momentarily

ناشناس 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش 4

Windows 7 x64.

After some long time at working machine, after several sleep/wakes, I guess, 7+TT fails to keep thumbnails of stacked explorer windows stay after click, the almost immediately gone. Sometimes clicking does nothing. And only after several clicks they finally stay. Switching 7+TT off fixes problem.

Here's animation recorded: http://dropmefiles.com/deY0J

Michael (Ramen Software) 7 years پیش

Since it's not a bug of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, I'm closing this issue. Let me know if you find out that it's something to do with the tweaker.

Not a bug

​Task bar icons fail to ACTIVELY detect which monitor they belong to.

jdawg 7 years پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 6 years پیش 2

Issue in media form:

Workaround: Restart '7t' -> The task bar icons will move to the correct monitor's task bar.

Solution: Have '7t' periodically check if the task bar icon is on the correct task bar, depending on what monitor the task bar icon's corresponding application window is visible on.

Michael (Ramen Software) 6 years پیش

Closing as this is probably not caused by the tweaker. If you have a reason to think otherwise, please leave a comment.