No es un bug

7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (1004)

john hace 4 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 4 meses 3
  • Error: 7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Could not load library (1004)
  • (Stopped working after windows update. Maybe KB5043076?)
  • Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631 Build 22631


Double click on empty space minimize/restore all windows

Anónimo hace 4 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 4 meses 1

Double click on empty space minimize/restore all windows


Sounds like the "Show desktop" option.


Control volume when mouse is over 'the notification area' stopped working on secondary monitor

Anónimo hace 4 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 4 meses 5

This happened after these Windows 10 updates. 

Image 568

It is working fine on the primary display.


Display seconds on the tray clock not working on secondary screens (again)

Napster653 hace 4 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 4 meses 1

Tried v5.15.1.2 beta but it doesn't seem to fix it.


Fixed in version 5.15.2.


Explorer crashes when the Task View button is clicked

Anónimo hace 4 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 4 meses 1

This only started happening recently, so I assume it's caused by a Windows Update. And I managed to pinpoint this to a specific option in 7+ Task Tweaker.

Basically, when the Task View button is clicked, Explorer crashes if the "Display seconds on the tray clock" option is enabled. If I disable that option, the Task View behaves normally.

Windows 10 version 22H2

Build: 19045.4780


Fixed in version 5.15.2.


Preserve Desktop 1 Taskbar organization when I switch to Desktop 2 and back to Desktop 1. Right now it gets jumbled.

Shadowberr hace 6 meses actualizado hace 5 meses 4

I have 2 desktops and keep Desktop 1 in a specific order.  When I switch to Desktop 2 and then back to Desktop 1 the Taskbar has been rearranged and not as left it.  Is there a Setting to avoid this or is it a bug?  Thanks!  Love 7+ TT.  

En revisión

Failed to inject the library into explorer

dreamee hace 6 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 6 meses 2

Failed to inject the library into explorer. This is usually causedby an antivirus, which denies access to explorer due to securityconcerns. Try whitelisting the tweaker or contact your antivirusvendor for support.

No es un bug

Windows 10 Pro - 22H2 (2009: 19045), Tweaker 5.15.1: restarting explorer throws Tweaker error message

LinuxOnTheDesktop hace 6 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 6 meses 1

I think the error was about a library or (if this be different DLL). I restarted Windows Explorer for a second time and saw no error message.

No es un bug

Error: Could not load library (107)

Anónimo hace 6 meses actualizado por Michael (Ramen Software) hace 6 meses 1

Image 554


According to the short error message, you're using quite an old version. Please update 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and let me know if the error persists. 


Decombine on mouse hover only working on primary monitor when taskbar set to auto-hide

jmiller4848 hace 7 meses actualizado por YXD hace 6 meses 0

I have multiple monitors and run the taskbars vertical.  

Taskbar settings: unlocked, Auto-Hide, small buttons, peek disabled, combine always - hide labels

Taskbar Multi-Displays settings: taskbar on all displays, buttons on all taskbars, Combine always - hide labels.  

TT is set to group by App, Combine grouped buttons, and Decombine on mouse hover.

For some reason, my primary monitor is the only taskbar which properly decombines on hover.  For my other monitors when I hover a multi-doc app button, the button does not expand (see screenshots).

It does not matter if my taskbar is vertical or horizontal.  I did notice that if I turn off the taskbar auto-hide, then all monitors work perfectly to decombine.

Non-primary monitor. Auto-hide on.  When cursor moves over "Chrome", the same vertical space is used to show the two open windows.  So, it is kinda decombining but only into a small vertical space.  A horizontal taskbar behave similar in that it divides the normal button space.

Image 551

Non-primary monitor. Auto-hide on.  When cursor moves over "Word", "Word" disappears and the same vertical space is sliced into horizontal lines with each representing an open doc.  This example shows this issue in a more extreme case with many docs open.

Image 550

Now, I turn auto-hide off and mouse over "Word".  This works correct on all monitors.

Image 553

Any ideas on how to make decombine fully expand with taskbar auto-hide turned on?   Thanks for the help.  This is a fantastic program.