התגובות שלך

Yes, it's called win7appid as it was created for Windows 7 back when there was no Windows 10, but it's relevant for all Windows versions not older than Win7.

That's not possible with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. As a workaround, you can try creating a custom shortcut with the win7appid tool and configure that AppID in the tweaker.

Sounds like the disable_topmost advanced option gets disabled when mIRC is maximized. I might look at it one day, but it sounds rather specific so it's not a priority.

What do you mean by "stops functioning"? Please provide more details and exact steps to reproduce the problem. If you can share a video that demonstrates it, that will help.

The virtual_desktop_order_fix option is implemented as following:

Internally, the taskbar items are kept in an ordered list in the taskbar code. Items are appended to the end of the list as they're added to the taskbar, but they're not re-ordered in the list when they're re-ordered on the taskbar. So, for example, if I open:

Notepad, Chrome, Firefox.

I can re-order them as much as I want, but if I switch to a different virtual desktop, and then switch back, I'll get them back as Notepad, Chrome, Firefox, since they're re-created from that list.

The virtual_desktop_order_fix option monitor for reorder events, and re-orders the list accordingly. As a result, when switching back to a virtual desktop, the taskbar buttons are re-created in the desired order.

Now, I'm not sure what exactly happens in the RDP scenario, but it looks like it requires a different, additional fix/workaround.

I'm not sure why a second virtual desktop interferes with your workflow, but I think that you don't need to actually keep it, all you need to do is to create a new one, switch to it, and destroy it right away. Or, in hotkeys: Win+Ctrl+D, Win+Ctrl+F4.

    Currently, that's not possible. I might look at it one day, but it's not a priority.

    You can right click on the tray icon and choose "Update". Alternatively, a more subtle way to update is to hover over the icon, wait for the notification, and click on it. Currently these are the options, I'll consider improving it in one of the future versions.

    I didn't expect anyone to configure both a single click and a double click action for the same mouse button. A double click always begins with a single click which triggers the configured single click action, that's how it works. I'm not sure if that answers it or if there's another issue. I'm closing the issue for now, let me know if there's something else.

    The tweaker uses the system's double click handling, and it shouldn't be any different than any other double click on the system. I'm not sure why you're having this issue, perhaps there's a conflict with another customization tool or some specific configuration. I'm not sure what I can do about it, but if you find a way to reproduce the issue, please let me know.

    There's no such option, but you can patch the dll file. For version 5.14 64-bit (and maybe other versions too), you can find the following bytes:

    66 85 C0 78 04 8B C7 EB 05

    And replace the last byte (05) with 00.

    The patch makes bPersistent to always be TRUE here:


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