
Displays the audio level

אנונימי 11 שנים ago עודכן על ידי Hari Krishna 4 שנים ago 7

How about to add the option of displaying the current volume to the system tray instead of the speaker icon? Something like this:

Image 14
It would be very convenient!


Could not load library (107) on Windows 8.1 Update 1

Mustafa Can 11 שנים ago עודכן על ידי Michael (Ramen Software) 8 שנים ago 33
7+ Taskbar Tweaker can’t load it’s library after installing GDR Update 1. (error 107)
Image 33
Using Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (Server equivilent of Windows 8.1)
Michael (Ramen Software) 11 שנים ago
Completed in v4.5.

Remove Gap between items (even more)

אנונימי 12 שנים ago עדכן 1 שנה ago 26
Make it possible to minimise the gap between icons in the taskbar.

Or you can also provide a the given setting with 2 options: Less Gap and Least Gap.


swipe up on empty space.

אנונימי 5 שנים ago עדכן 4 שנים ago 1

if i swipe up on the taskbar. (Mouse or Touchscreen) The shortcut starts.

Image 324


Center taskbar icons

אנונימי 12 שנים ago עדכן 4 שנים ago 23

Is it possible to center the superbar icon's on the taskbar? That instead of growing from left to right; it grows from the center both ways with every icon pinned. (Have them centered in the middle and every time one pins another program on it, it recenters them.)

I'm not sure if this is doable; but I would love to use this feature. Especially with windows 8 and the hot corners with the mouse. 

Thanks in advance!

anonymous dutch guy.


Items in the taskbar locked in place, even when dragging something there.

אנונימי 11 שנים ago עדכן 6 שנים ago 4
I love that I can open image for editing just by dragging it in to taskbar on to paint.net
But the problem is that the paint.net icon is trying to dodge to the side, because default excepted behavior when dragging something there is probably to be pinned.

Can this behavior be turned off? No more dodging dragged items when moving around taskbar?


Thanks for 7TT!

אנונימי 11 שנים ago 0

It makes modern Windows versions usable. :)


After Windows 10 Creator Update, 7TT says: "Unable to load library"

אנונימי 8 שנים ago עדכן 4 שנים ago 36
Michael (Ramen Software) 8 שנים ago

7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.3 was just released, with full Windows 10 Creator Update support.


Move the taskbar to each page

אנונימי 5 שנים ago עדכן 4 שנים ago 1

"double click on Empry Space" and "middle click on Empry Space" a new setting should be add. When I press the taskbar, the taskbar moves right/left/buttom or up.(configurable)  When I repeat the click, the taskbar returns to its original location.


Image 320

Double click or middle click of the empry space:

Image 321


Show labels on hover/active window for non-grouped items

אנונימי 12 שנים ago עודכן על ידי MainTrane 11 שנים ago 1

While the decombine option is great, I think it would be even better if it allowed the labels to show for non grouped items as well.