
Width restriction removal - doesn't work on second monitor

LumKitty 10 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому 3
I have used the advanced setting no_width_limit to reduce the width of my taskbar on Windows 10, however this only applies to the taskbar on the primary monitor. Would it be possible to make this apply to taskbars on secondary monitors too?
Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому
Done in v5.0.

It'd be great to have the grouping by ID AND by user. I've got several instances of firefox run by different users, not just the user who's logged on.

Анонім 12 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 12 років тому 1

When grouping by application ID, it groups all the icons from a same application.
It'd be great to have it grouped by app ID and by user under which the application is running.

Thanks for a great W7 tweaker.  I love it.

Not a bug

disable_topmost and "Show Desktop"

Анонім 10 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому 1
Hello! I'm using topmost disabling option. And when i press 'Show Desktop' button, desktop overlaps the taskbar and it's invisible. Can you fix that behaviour? Make desktop lower than taskbar?

Startup error 1001 & Vol control not working

Анонім 11 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 2
So randomly today my volume control over the start bar doesn't work.. I've tried changing the area on it to update the settings, to no avail, and upon re-opening the program I get the error 'could not load library' 1001.
Reinstalling did nothing either.
The only system changes recently are that I installed Comodo 3 days ago, but it's been working since then until today.
Michael (Ramen Software) 11 років тому
See my comment here:
Basically, seems like Comodo doesn't allow the tweaker to modify explorer's memory. Try whitelisting the tweaker, and if that doesn't work, please contact the Comodo team.

Update time via Internet

Fatih Fırıncı 11 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 11 років тому 4

Hi. I'm using notebook. And, bios battery is dead. Difficult process of changing. I want to automatic time update at startup. Is it possible with Regedit settings? 


Aero Shake Preserved In Taskbar Tweaker ?

RetiredEngineer 9 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 7 років тому 2

All Aero Shake options work on my Windows 7x64, except for Aero Shake. Even if I Exit Classic Shell and return to W7 Aero Shake refuses to work. Is the trouble here because I use a trackball rather than a mouse; or do I just have a Classic Shell setting wrong?

Michael (Ramen Software) 7 років тому

Closing since there's no much information in the report.

If that's still an issue and you can provide a way to reproduce the issue, please leave a comment.

Not a bug

Size of firefox icon in taskbar.

Анонім 11 років тому оновлений 10 років тому 6
When 7+ Taskbar Tweaker is running the icon expands to show the title of the open site. When 7+ terminated, it shrinks in normal size. It happens only to Firefox. See Screen Crops bellow.
With & Without:
Image 32
Image 31
Michael (Ramen Software) 11 років тому
My guess is that you've set Firefox to always show labels.
Please open Taskbar Inspector, right click the Firefox AppId, and check your settings.

Update to new version failed

Анонім 10 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому 4
When attempting to install the latest update (7.5.10) I get an error message that says that this update is not compatible with the 64-bit version of Windows 7. (Pro version, Service Pack 1 installed). Is this true (i.e., only 32-bit version available) or is something else going on?
Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому
I assume that I know what the issue is. Versions until 4.5.10 didn't check the server status while updating, so if the server was e.g. overloaded, the tweaker tried to execute the file which contained the server error message, instead of the actual setup file. As that's not an actual executable file, Windows reported that it cannot be executed in a 64-bit environment.
Not a bug

Middle click to close doesn't work in Excel 2007

Анонім 10 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому 1
(only Excel, other Office 2007 software work fine)
If I mid click a Excel window that is not active, it works like a ordinary left click. Mid click only closes the window if it is active.
Michael (Ramen Software) 10 років тому
Excel 2007 has numerous problems with the taskbar, and this is one of them. If the window in inactive, it's brought to the foreground instead of being closed. It works with Windows because Windows brings the window to the foreground before closing it.
Not a bug

Taskbar Inspector forgets settings?

Анонім 11 років тому оновлено Michael (Ramen Software) 11 років тому 1
I've modified it so Skype has its own pinned button which the main window opens in but then made all the conversation windows themselves have their own 'group' which show at the very end of the taskbar, ungrouped and with labels. It all works good until Skype.exe is closed and started again, then all the convo windows open under the stock Skype group.. Is this normal?
Michael (Ramen Software) 11 років тому
From what I understand, it's a duplicate of:

Please see my reply there.