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Actually it's very easy with file explorer. When I scroll up the furthest I can on minimize explorer it unmaximize the window without a problem. With other windows it's not that easy though.

The same effect happens when some application is restoring windows and at the same time I'm restoring it with left click on toolbar button. E.g. I or other application open url to open in the browser and I click at that moment on Waterfox icon and then it's restored un-maximized.

I don't know what makes that. I had that also in WinXP, do it's certainly a Windows bug or feature.

I think that maybe lowering scroll sensitivity could help. If it would only accept one scroll and then block next ones for a second or two then it wouldn't happen.

Were you aggressive enough? You need to be very quick and try for some time. I wouldn't test it on win10, they could fixed it there lol. And try File explorer maybe.

How can I send you my setup?

Well left click normally do "switch to" and when the window is active then it do "minimize". So that's the only explanation how this might happen. The same with scroll. Mouse scroll can be easily damage to sometimes scroll in opposite direction and some stuff.

It would also be nice to have that command while clicking on taskbar's empty space.

PS. that method didn't work.

After reading thread https://tweaker.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/273-it-would-be-really-great-to-have-the-possibility-to-always-expand-groups-with-more-than-1-item-and I think there could be two options to hide/show labels, one for single items and the other one for grouped items.

Also an option to hide all labels, even those set manually by TI when taskbar is full. That would require 7+tt to recognize the state when the taskbar is full and Windows is modifying it to fit items.

And another one that would hide labels only for pinned items, but not from the rest items of their group.

Strange, but I still can do it with left button. Maybe for some reason if both commands "switch to" and "minimize" are mixed then they call another command "restore". But how it can be fixed?

You're right. Ok, so icons are bounded to labels and grouping. Well, one argument goes, but the rest are still valid. I'll make another thread to discuss icons only.

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