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The following configuration works for me on Windows 10. Clicking on the Show Desktop button shows the Alt+Tab window. Can you re-check which version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker are you using?

i'm trying for example "showdesktop|mclick" with values from "emptyspace" paragraph in help file, but no effect

Works for me. Which Windows version are you using?

are you planning to add "run program" function to advanced menu?

That's possible using the following steps:


The icons behaved in the same way in Windows 7 as they do in Windows 10.

The feature was implemented as a part of the Mouse Button Control advanced options in v5.1.0.6 beta, with greater flexibility. Please try it.

The feature was implemented as a part of the Mouse Button Control advanced options in v5.1.0.6 beta. Please try it.

It's a known limitation. Unfortunately, it's not easy to fix (I tried to do that once). I might look at it again in the future.

You can do that if you enable one of the volume wheel scroll options.

Currently, only builds 10240 and 10586 are supported.

I plan to add support for newer builds when they're stable.

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