
Add DisplayFusion support

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 11 years ago 2

DisplayFusion is a program that makes multiple monitor interfaces in Windows 7 actually worthwhile (otherwise you just have a $200 wallpaper viewer with minimal support). DisplayFusion allows you to put a separate taskbar on your secondary monitors, but it appears to not work with taskbar tweaker's changes (which I also consider life saving).

So to clarify, taskbar tweaker works on my main monitor's taskbar, but not on DisplayFusion's emulated taskbars for secondary monitors. I was wondering if support for this would be possible.


As far as I know, their second taskbar is a manually implemented clone of the original one. In such case, I'd have to reimplement the tweaks as well.
This is not planned, especially considering the fact that Windows 8 has a native support for multiple taskbars, which the tweaker already supports.

I guess the best you can do is to ask DisplayFusion for the features you'd like to have on the second monitor.
As far as I know, their second taskbar is a manually implemented clone of the original one. In such case, I'd have to reimplement the tweaks as well.
This is not planned, especially considering the fact that Windows 8 has a native support for multiple taskbars, which the tweaker already supports.

I guess the best you can do is to ask DisplayFusion for the features you'd like to have on the second monitor.