
Position of Windows Explorer buttons aren't kept after dragging out from a group

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 6 years ago 5
Drag 1 folder out from a group, and then try to explore in this folder. The folder button returns to group, instead of keeping its position


Fixed in v4.5.10, except for the cases when the folder window runs in a separate process.

Please take this opportunity to improve the way of dragging


Under review

Every time you navigate to a folder in explorer, it changes the window’s Application ID.
It has different Application IDs for some folders, e.g. Control Panel. Navigate from any folder to Control Panel, and you’ll see it makes an independent group. Then navigate back, and you’ll see it return.

I remember trying to prevent it from changing the Application ID if the navigated folder is not a special folder, but couldn't find a good solution.

Fixed in v4.5.10, except for the cases when the folder window runs in a separate process.

I'm running 7tt 5.6 in Windows 7, it still 'reshuffles' taskbar icons whenever explorer is restarted (usually when restarting Windows). I do not have ticked the option to "open folder windows in a separate process".