
Automatically rearrange taskbar buttons (not grouped nor combined)

אנונימי 9 שנים ago 0
It would be very useful if you could implement an option and a list with the order of taskbar buttons that one wants to see and use always, independently of the order of opening/closing programs, opening/closing new windows belonging to the same program, Windows Desktop refreshing, Windows resuming after suspend, et cetera.

Incomplete support for taskbar buttons of Metro apps (Windows 8.1 Update 1)

Michael (Ramen Software) 11 שנים ago עדכן 10 שנים ago 4
There are features that don't work properly with taskbar buttons of Metro apps.
For example:
  • Icons (and sometimes titles) aren't shown in Taskbar Inspector.
  • Middle click to close doesn't work.

Michael (Ramen Software) 10 שנים ago
Mostly fixed in v4.5.2.
The unfixed parts were filled as a separate report:
Michael (Ramen Software) 4 שנים ago

Fixed in v5.10.


Drag within groups with left mouse button.

אנונימי 11 שנים ago 0

Would be nice have an option to use left mouse instead of right to drag windows within group.
At the same time allow drag whole group to a new position only if dragged first window of the group to the left or last window to the right then it would move whole group.


Don't place new items next to pinned one

Onixar Lilen 11 שנים ago עדכן 8 שנים ago 1
I use the following combination of settings:
— Don't group
— When not grouping, place new items next to existing ones
— Don't group pinned items

I have my pinned items at the left side of the bar. When I click a pinned item, a new item appears next to it, among other pinned items.
It would be great to have an option to place new items next to existing ones, but not to pinned ones, leaving pinned items together.

"Jump list" for active app.

אנונימי 12 שנים ago 0

Sorry for my bad English. There are a good idea - "Jump list" for active app.

When you move your mouse pointer to a taskbar button, a small picture appears that shows you a miniature version of the corresponding window. His preview, also called a thumbnail. I suggest changing  thumbnail  to "Jump list", but only for active app. It would be is especially useful.


Decombine group on double-click

tPenguinLTG 12 שנים ago עדכן 2 שנים ago 1

There are options to decombine a group when it is active and when it's hovered over, but I'd like to see an option to decombine on double-click.

The group should recombine when the cursor is no longer on the group or taskbar (whichever one is better), or when one of the buttons in the group is clicked.


Restore pinned items order after reboot

אנונימי 11 שנים ago עודכן על ידי V@no 11 שנים ago 1
There is a bug in Windows 7/8 that changes order of pinned items if such items start with windows. For example if you set in folder options "Restore previous folder windows at logon", and then pin explorer and move it to the right of all other pinned items, there is a good chance that after reboot, the explorer will be first in the list of pinned items, not last. This is not 100% reproducible and often depends on how many programs start with windows. But same goes to any other programs.

Thank you.

"Remove extra gap between items" doesn't works with classic theme in Windows 7

Evgeny Vrublevsky 11 שנים ago 0
Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable classic theme in Windows 7
2. Enable "Remove extra gap between items" in 7TT
3. As you can see, size of buttons of pinned application is not changed

Now size of this buttons is 32×22 pixels. 22×22 pixels would be perfect size with "Remove extra gap between items" option :)

Windows 10 is not supported

Michael (Ramen Software) 10 שנים ago עדכן 9 שנים ago 6
Michael (Ramen Software) 9 שנים ago
Starting with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.0, Windows 10 is fully supported.