Tagasi lükatud

Update in the background

Anonüümne 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi 1
Please dont tell me there is an update, just install it !

The "are you human" image is only half shown on google chrome.
Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi
Thanks for your feedback.
This is a duplicate of:

While I agree that it would be a great optional addition, it requires an implementation, and that requires time. I might get to that in the future, but currently that's what we have. On the other hand, you must admit that the update procedure of the tweaker is not as bad, comparing to most software which just open a link to their website, where you have to download and launch the installer (and sometimes - remove checkboxes with offers).

Ability to select which programs / applications actually group

Anonüümne 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 10 aastat tagasi 1
Michael (Ramen Software) 10 aastat tagasi
That's already possible, please see the FAQ here.
Tagasi lükatud

Better clock space managment - step 2

Anonüümne 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi 0


I want ask if will possible to update also horizontal behaviour of clock strings. If I have wide taskbar on the right side (because of "better" a new laptop display 16:9) the clock takes three lines, but there is a space for time and day on one line. Or other combinations (day+date, etc). Thank you


Image 19

Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi

A duplicate of:


Please see my comment there.

Not a bug

language of standard window menu different for some applications

Anonüümne 9 aastat tagasi uuendatud 9 aastat tagasi 3
the language of the "standard window menu" *(SWM) is sometimes EN sometimes DE, as u can see in the pictures.
i have no clue why, although some of them are DE installations others are not, there doesnt seem to be a pattern and it also changes from day to day.

the case here are here:

  • SQL Developer and Eclipse are Java and hence shouldnt matter, but today the SWM is for both EN, the other day it was DE for SQL Developer.
  • XML Spy is a german installation (ie. its UI Lang such as menus are in DE) but the SWM is in EN.
  • the firefox is an EN installation but the SWM is DE
  • the win explorer is EN due to the OS but shows an DE SWM
my case:
i work in a corporate environment in germany and hence have really a german win 7 enterprise sp1 installed but switched UI language to EN.
Michael (Ramen Software) 9 aastat tagasi
The standard menu is a feature of Windows (you can open it without the tweaker by clicking Shift+right click). Therefore, it's not a bug of the tweaker. I don't know why that's the behavior you're seeing, perhaps Windows shows the correct menu based on the language of the application.

Synchronize Time when middle click or doppelt click on Time

Recon 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi 0

Wenn man auf die Uhrzeit/Datum Click (Doppelclick oder Mittelclick) Synchronisiert die Uhrzeit mit den Internet.

Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi

I don't see the point. Time synchronization should be run automatically.

You might be interested in these tips to change the synchronization schedule:


exe call with short cuts or other ways to do same tasks many times

Tushar Kapila 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi 1

love your program. i like having my firefox open with 2 different profiles, so make a copy of firefox.exe and then open the 2 profiles with each exe and then use your program to seperate out the windows.

Wish there was a way to tell your exe to do that for new windows of that exe. meaning anything new from firefox : a. put it in a random group OR (b) put it in the same group as the parent (which will be a random group 7 taskbar made)

Want both choices – user can select in settings.

Also is there a way to call 7 Taskbar Tweaker from the command line with some arguments (like this exe or window with title like ‘%Firefox%profile a %’ -> put to a random group) ? 

* or a very simple script language to do the tasks I often with 1 click :

1. open app a

2. rename its windows (and new windows launched from that with new random value or same random value)

3. maybe the script can take the command, wait for it to open and then rename it -> so all one click open and un-grouped

thank you for the great software, I made a small donation in appreciation.

* Duplicate comment posted on main site can delete that.

Not a bug

Dragging tabs on the 2nd monitor taskbar (using UltraMon) doesn't work

Anonüümne 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi 2

Using UltraMon to have separate (smart) taskbars. You can drag-and-drop the tabs on the primary taskbar, but cannot re-arrange them on the 2nd.

Not a bug

Stop auto-arranging taskbar buttons after ungrouping

Anonüümne 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi 6
Firefox keeps being moved to the right-end of the taskbar automatically only when 7+ is open, I always have it as the second from the left. 7+ has a bug (or a "feature") that keeps moving/auto-arranging window taskbar button positions for no clear/intuitive/useful reason. The only reason I'm using 7+ is to forcibly ungroup window taskbar buttons, this bug is so severe I'm thinking of going back to 64 bit XP.
Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi

Not a bug of the tweaker. See comments.

Not a bug

7+ Taskbar Tweaker can't load if Explorer is launched with administrative privileges

Anonüümne 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi 1

This can be acheieved by closing the explorer and from the Task Manager, File->Run new task, type explorer and check the option.

Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi
OK, I've checked the issue.

The tweaker shows the "Could not open explorer's process" error because it can't inject to an elevated explorer process, and this cannot be fixed.
The tweaker has to be run as administrator too to be able to inject successfully.

As for the tray icons - it has nothing to do with the tweaker's error message. The reason is that applications can't send a notification to the elevated explorer to create their icon.

Clock doesn't respond to hover or click

Anonüümne 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi 1

In a recent update (I'm not sure exactly when, since I just noticed this issue yesterday) the clock in the tray no longer responds to hovers or clicks.  That is, hovering my cursor over the clock no longer displays the date in a tooltip, and clicking the clock no longer brings up the calendar.  Exiting from 7+ TT resolves the issue.

I'm on Win 7 x64.

Michael (Ramen Software) 12 aastat tagasi

The issue was introduced in v4.1.7, and was fixed in v4.1.8.

Sorry for the inconvenience.