Your comments

Update: closed due to a lack of feedback.

I can't reproduce the issue.

I can't reproduce it on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
Please see my reply above.
I can't reproduce the issue.
Please provide more details, such as:
  • A crash report.
  • A screenshot.
  • Your OS version.
  • Your configuration of the tweaker.
  • Your configuration of the taskbar (Taskbar Properties).
It's not a bug, it's a feature request, and in my opinion it's not worth the effort.
Unfortunately, the crash report is not very helpful.
I tried to reproduce it locally, putting the system to sleep multiple times, but the tweaker doesn't crash on my PC.
Do you have a way to reproduce it?
Also, does it crash if you turn off the update checking feature?
Thanks for the dump, but unfortunately, it doesn't contain much useful information.
The crash happens in a callback. I assume it's caused by the update checker, but I can't tell for sure.
Do you have a way to reproduce the crash?

P.S. might be a duplicate of: