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Done in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.9.1.

So you're saying that it doesn't happen when the tweaker is not running. But the issue happens if the tweaker is running, even when all of the options are off. Is that right?

That's not something anyone ever reported about before. The only thing I have in mind we can try is the following: I can create different versions of the tweaker with some of the functionality removed, so that we can track which part of the functionality causes the problem. Are you willing to try different versions of the tweaker?

Are you sure that the issue is caused by the tweaker, and does not happen when the tweaker is not running?

You're saying that closing the tweaker fixes this, but this might be only because the tweaker triggers a kind of "refresh" to the taskbar to reset some of the options.The bug itself might be unrelated to the tweaker.

Please try using your computer without the tweaker and see whether that makes the issue go away. If it indeed solves the issue, please try to turn off some of the options until the issue goes away to find out which of the tweaker's options causes the issue.

Yes, it won't hurt. Do you have a single monitor, or more than one?

Also, please see the discussion here:


I see that your wide taskbar 's width is 61 pixels. I'd expect it to be 62. Perhaps something was changed in Windows, or perhaps you have some extra customizations. Which Windows version are you using, and do you have other customization tools?