نظرات شما

Please make sure that you're using the latest version of the tweaker. If not, let me know whether updating to the latest version fixes the issue.

It should already be supported. One known limitation is that if the taskbar is set to auto-hide, the width is not restored.

See also the following discussion, perhaps you'll find some insights:


Please try the newly released v5.9.1.3 beta. I believe that the issue is now fixed. It took some time, but better late than never :)

The tweaker doesn't do anything related to auto refresh, so I hardly believe the issue is caused by the tweaker.

I'd be glad to look at it fix it, but unfortunately, without a way to reproduce the issue there's not much that I can do. I assume that a computer restart (or maybe an additional restart of explorer) will fix the issue. You mentioned that you're using other customization programs, so perhaps there's a conflict with one of them.

If you find a way to reproduce it, please provide the reproduction steps.

Do you have the option to check for updates enabled in settings?

I assume that yes since it's the default.

I'm not sure what else to ask. You can revert to 5.9 and do some experiments. Shortly after the first launch, or after disabling and re-enabling update checking in settings, you should see a notification about a new version.