Different icons for unlabeled and ungrouped items
Pinned items force their icon to all other items from their group if unlabeled and ungrouped.
It would be nice if they wouldn't force their icons to other elements.
Maybe by tricking them to think they're labeled or grouped when they aren't?
Attaching the relevant screenshots:
As far as I understand, you'd like to be able to have this:
Let me know if I misunderstood.
I've somehow produced the effect by setting it to show labels and modify registry to set the size of buttons:
in 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Desktop\WindowMetrics' I've created string 'MinWidth'.
It was said to set it to 56, but buttons was smaller, so I set 62 and they're in propper size.
It shows the effect after relogging.
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