Switching between open programs using keyboard
Give a configurable keyboard shortcut to toggle between only running programs on the taskbar. This shortcut should directly switch like Alt+Esc does (unlike Alt-Tab which shows a preview window) but it should switch in taskbar order of running programs from left to right (or right to left if Shift is held down). From Windows 95 to XP, we had Win+Tab (Win+T in Vista), then hit Enter to cycle only between running programs. As Windows 7/8 both mix running and non-running programs, Win+T has become useless. If I use Win+T, I have to go through all the pinned programs before arriving at a running program. We have Alt-Esc which switches directly but in Z-order (order by last used which is unpredictable, not the taskbar order which we always see at the bottom). Alt-Tab is there but it is not the Taskbar order. Plus Alt-Tab doesn't directly switch, it shows a list where switching does an unwanted Aero-Peek and where minimized windows are thrown at the end of the list.

If understand the posing correctly you could use Vista Switcher for this. Full and easy control by different kind of means. I am very satisfied with it.

I would prefer switching order like Alt+Tab of Windows, but without the preview window that make the switching more clumsy and slower. I'm talking about directly switch similar to Alt+Esc, but in Alt+Tab order.

A way to switch between open programs only would be good as, when multiple windows of more than one program are open, ALT+TAB cycles through them in an "unordered" way (windows of each programs aren't necessarily consequential).
In the meanwhile, just for information, a faster way to cycle through the taskbar icons is to press WIN+T only once, then keep the right or left arrow keys pressed to very quickly move through the icons.

Done in v4.2.5.
It's not very user friendly, but well, you have to set it up only once, and it works.
A tip, disabling global windows hotkeys:
I've set Win+Q and Win+W to cycle between windows on my PC.
It wouldn't work without disabling the hotkeys for explorer first.

I disabled hotkeys globally (NoWinKeys in HKLM policies and restarted Explorer.exe) but Win+Q/Win+W does nothing on my Windows 7 x64 with 7+TT 4.2.5. Also, on Windows 8, NoWinKeys doesn't disable the new hotkeys introduces for Metro e.g. Win+C, Win+I etc.

I've used the DisabledHotkeys key to disable only Win+Q and Win+W.
Maybe it can disable Win+C and similar, too.
> but Win+Q/Win+W does nothing on my Windows 7 x64 with 7+TT 4.2.5
Did you set it in the registry? Did you restart the tweaker afterwards?

Hi RaMMicHaeL,
Do you have also solution for what I'd written above? [It's best also for quick switching between 2 windows]

> I would prefer switching order like Alt+Tab of Windows, but without the preview window that make the switching more clumsy and slower. I'm talking about directly switch similar to Alt+Esc, but in Alt+Tab order.
I don't see a problem with using Alt+Tab.

I usually get along with Alt + Tab.
But I was looking for something that works more smoothly.
This is especially important when your computer works slowly.


You know, I did not notice the existence of the problem mentioned on the post there.
When there are multiple tasks and I press ALT + TAB, I usually use arrow hovering to find out which window to go .. And I think that is not found in the old ...
VistaSwitcher is also helpful in such case.
Thank You

I need your help. I want to implement this in the Portable Version.
I looked in Help file and I didn't find enough info how to do it in the Portable Version.
I wanted to assign Win + < / > to 101/102
What is the code I need to paste into INI file and what is the [Title]?
Thank You

Ok, the problem was also with the virtual key codes of < / > .
These are not listed.

Yes. You did it.
Here is the code:
[Keyboard Shortcuts]
Note: For RTL language change 101<=>102

That probably should be fixed.
The "Cycle between taskbar buttons" option is also reversed in an RTL system, right?

Unfortunately "Cycle between taskbar buttons" doesn't seem to work at all in my Laptop.
I'll talk to you later by Email.

Servicio de atención al cliente por UserEcho
Done in v4.2.5.
It's not very user friendly, but well, you have to set it up only once, and it works.
A tip, disabling global windows hotkeys:
I've set Win+Q and Win+W to cycle between windows on my PC.
It wouldn't work without disabling the hotkeys for explorer first.