Taskbar Inspector - Selection by dragging

Stamimail 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 3

[I do not know if it's an idea or a bug]

Image 12

Add some spaces here and here and here, to make convenient the selection by dragging

Surely not a bug.

The list box is a standard Windows control, and I'm not sure that's possible, except for the space on the right, which I think would look ugly.

Currently you can use ctrl/shift for multiple selection, and Ctrl+A for selecting all (I think you suggested that). Those quite do the job.

Sometimes it is more convenient for me to use the mouse only. Sometimes it is more convenient to use also the keyboard.
Thank you for writing what you think.

Mmm, What about to leave on the right side the same space as in the left side where is the left arrow in picture (as the sub Items)?