Not a bug

Volume control is triggered when it shouldn't

GDW-DEV 1 year پیش به روز شده توسط Michael (Ramen Software) 1 year پیش 5

I have set to control volume when mouse is over the taskbar tray icon with mouse wheel and without "cycle beween taskbar buttons" checked, but when I roll the mouse wheel on the taskbar(not on the tray icon),the volume still can be controlled.

OS: Windows 7 x64

7+ Taskbar Tweaker Version:5.14.3

Under review

Please post a screenshot of your options of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.

If you want volume control to only work in the notification area, make sure that this option is checked:

Image 530

So what is the issue? If you want volume control to only work in the notification area, check "The notification area" option.