التعليقات الخاصة بك

I'm not sure I understand the question. The "Open last window if inactive, otherwise open thumbnail preview" option doesn't affect hovering, you still should be able to hover to show the thumbnails.

Closing this. Leave a comment if you still have issues.

Error 209 means that 7+ Taskbar Tweaker could not place the necessary hooks in explorer. The error indicates a failure of the MinHook library which the tweaker uses.

One possible explanation is that there's a conflict between 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and another customization tool. Perhaps 7+ Taskbar Tweaker only runs successfully when it launches before the other tool.

In my tests, the click doesn't work on a secondary taskbar. You can identify whether a taskbar is secondary or not by looking for a notification area - if there is one, it's the main taskbar. Otherwise, if it only has a clock, it's a secondary taskbar.

For the case of one monitor, it should work. Make sure that the taskbar is locked.

Note that even though a single click doesn't work on a secondary taskbar, a double click works. A single click doesn't work due to the way the taskbar is designed. I might look at implementing a workaround in the future.

Actually, it was simpler than I was afraid it would be. Should be fixed in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.3.0.5 beta, please try it.

Implemented in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.3.0.5 beta, please try it out.

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