Ihre Kommentare

I could not reproduce the problem on my laptop, Windows 10. I'll try later on a different computer.

Meanwhile, can you attach a crash report? You can use the following guide:
How do I find event logs when a program crashes?

That's because VMware uses thumbnail previews. There's nothing to decombine, as there's actually only one taskbar item.

You can turn the feature off, see this answer.

I'm not familiar with QQ, perhaps it offers an option, too.

tray_icons_padding is supported in Windows 10 since 7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.2, but it's implemented differently.

More details here.

У меня не получилось воспроизвести проблему.

На моем компьютере, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker качает новую версию отсюда, и корректно устанавливает.

Проверьте эту ссылку, какая версия качается с нее на Вашем компьютере?

It's not a bug of the tweaker, therefore I've changed it from a Bug to an Idea.

7+ Taskbar Tweaker v5.2 introduces the virtual_desktop_order_fix advanced option. More information can be found here.

Perhaps the issue was fixed in v5.2. If not, please leave a comment or create a new topic.