Your comments

Oh, ok! Thanks for the info. I use the stable version so I haven't been keeping an eye out for the the beta changelog. I'm excited for its implementation then :D
Forgot to sign in, that Anonymous reply was me :P
Hey, so regarding other monitors not being compatible with the no_width_limit option... I spent a few minutes messing around, I have found work around (sorta). It's disappointing that you can't resize the taskbar beyond the limits on all monitors, I understand why... just really wish it could be done!

I managed to drag my main display taskbar onto my secondary display, and it in-turn, moved my secondary display taskbar onto my main display. Once I discovered I could do this (might be a Windows 8.1 bug), I went to Screen Resolution to check what was up. My main display was still main, and secondary was still secondary.. but the taskbars were flipped.. Once I knew this I tried to make my 2nd display my main then reverted to see what would happen... (because I want my system tray to be on my main display, my main display is horizontal so sys. tray looks better there) but it kept the system tray icons on the 2nd display (main display taskbar). Am I making sense?
Here is my secondary taskbar after dragging...

Here is my main display taskbar after dragging ^

The (1) is highlighted as my main display, the larger is my secondary external monitor (2)... which has my main taskbar on it! So I managed to trick it half way! Any possible way at all, we can trick it all the way perhaps (since you said you don't want to go to the trouble to allow resized taskbars on other screens)? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!