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Looks like I got something to work.

Control Panel -->System --> Advanced System Settings --> Advanced tab --> Settings --> Visual Effects --> Enable Peek

wasn't doing anything for me (I just checked now on my brothers system and it works right away?)

*** on a multi user system (limited account) it seems: "Start --> Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows" is the proper place to apply the setting. the 2 paths remember different sets of checked options (the 1st requires admin permission, while the 2nd doesn't, so maybe the 1st path is changing the setting for the admin account not the actual logged in one?) ***

but after I applied "adjust for best performance" and then went back to "let windows choose ..." and disabled "enable peek"

now the setting works, the thumbnails show but hovering doesn't do anything. (in light of the above edit *** I'm not sure if this actually does anything)

It might be nice if it still previewed the window but without hiding anything else but this is more than good enough.

Anyway I really love 7tt on both my home and church systems,


Leveres av UserEcho