Dine kommentarer

1 and 2 are fixed in v4.2.5.

They were caused by one bug, by the way.

As for 3, I don't think it's possible (without hacks) to display a "Only show notifications" icon without showing a balloon tip for it.

Anyway, it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me either, so I don't feel like spending time on this :)

Done in v4.2.5.

It's not very user friendly, but well, you have to set it up only once, and it works.

A tip, disabling global windows hotkeys:


I've set Win+Q and Win+W to cycle between windows on my PC.

It wouldn't work without disabling the hotkeys for explorer first.

Try the Grouping -> Don't group pinned items option.

I believe you can achieve it by modifying your theme.

For the portable version, use the ini file.


[Mouse Button Control]


Эскизы и кнопки - разные вещи.
Более того, они не всегда соответствуют друг другу - например эскизы могут показывать вкладки браузера, в то время как кнопка по сути одна.

Для эскизов есть опция "Менять местами перетягиванием", в которую можно было бы включить и отцепление, если они соответствуют кнопками. Правая кнопка тут не нужна.

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