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A screen recording of what?

I can imagine what a 7 seconds hang looks like :)

What you can do is find a way to reliably reproduce the issue. If you think it might be caused by XWindows Dock, experiment with it being on/off.

I don't think it's the tweaker's fault. It's auto-hide functionality is quite straightforward, there's not much that can go wrong.

I'm not sure it's possible to make these options get along with the "Combine when taskbar is full" configuration.
I might look at it in the future.

I was talking about Windows' taskbar properties, i.e. right click -> Properties.

From the buggy behavior, I guess it is "Combine when taskbar is full".

The thing is combining options weren't designed to work with this option.

With "Combine when taskbar is full" Windows decides when to combine/decombine groups, according to the available free space. It doesn't expect other apps to play with the combining.

So either switch to "Never combine", or disable the decombining options.

It looks quite buggy in general.
What is your configuration in Taskbar Properties under "Taskbar buttons"?

I couldn't reproduce the first bug (I'm not sure I fully understood it).

As for the right-clicking - that's how it works for me, it doesn't combine back when a right click menu is shown.

A video might make things clearer.
Can't reproduce it on Windows  7 x64, too.
When I middle click on the empty space, it immediately slides down.
The author of the request replied with the following:
> I think that possibility to display seconds is would be enough.
That's why I closed it.

There is a new ticket about custom date format:

You might want to see my comment to it.