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Your request sounds similar to this, if I understand it correctly:


See my answer there. In general, it would be possible to assign an AppID by the program's path, but I don't plan to implement it.

I'm not sure I understand the request, please give a more detailed explanation. You can ask in Russian :)

The link I provided works for me. Here it is again, in a code block:


Your file is OK, too. It says that the source of the "crash" is a hang. So there wasn't actually a crash, but explorer wasn't responsive for some amount of time, so the system restarted it.

Does the issue happen only at startup? If you run the tweaker when the system already running for some time, do you see the same problem?

My guess would be that a combination of too many start-up programs and maybe a slow computer causes too much overhead, and explorer hangs for a considerable time so it's being restarted by Windows.

I can't think of a straightforward solution for this. You can try reducing the number of running programs at startup, or try to use a tool which allows to run programs at startup with a delay (there are some available, Google for it).

That's strange. It's as if the code of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker was successfully injected into the explorer process, but none of it ran successfully. Can you provide the crash report from the event viewer?

How do I find event logs when a program crashes?

Should be fixed in v5.6.0.2 beta. I've added a check to not send more than one command in a 100 ms time range.

Make "Show Labels" as a new independent option
Done in v5.6.0.2 beta, see the show_labels advanced option.

I could reproduce the issue by changing the DPI on my computer. v5.6.0.2 beta should fix this. I don't have an HDMI cable at the moment, so I can't verify that this case is covered too. Please try the new beta version and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

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