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Please make sure that you're indeed using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.9.1, and not an older version.

This should be fixed in v5.9.1.

Why? It will be a boring window if I do.

Here are three test versions:


Each additional test version (in increasing order of the numbers) removes more functionality. Please make sure that all options are disabled, then try using test1 for a while. If you still have the issue, try test2, then test3, until the issue is gone. Let me know which test, if any, causes the issue to be fixed.

Perhaps you had the previous version cached in the browser. Please try downloading it again. If it doesn't work, try downloading it in incognito mode.

Looks like you're right. For now I changed the installation path in v5.9.1.1 beta. If it causes no issues, the change will be applied to the next non-beta version.

Regarding "/AllUsers" - the tweaker's installer is NSIS-based, and so you can use NSIS command line switches. Specifically, you can run the installer as administrator with the following arguments:

7tt_setup.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files\7+ Taskbar Tweaker

(/S for silent, optional)

Still, the installation is designed for a single user, so e.g. shortcuts will be created only for the current user. I might add an actual "all users" option in the future if there's enough demand.

Thanks for the feedback.

In the newly released beta version,, I added code which tries to detect whether a dark theme is used, and not display a custom background in this case. Please let me know if the fix works for you.

Probably fixed by now. If not, please leave a comment.