Your comments

I always try to minimize the number of updates, and try to push as many changes in a single release as possible.

Unfortunately, I can't always predict the situation.

For example, looking at the last three releases:
v4.2 - a comprehensive release, including new options, translations, other fixes and improvements. It could end here.
v4.2.1 - It was reported that one of the new options doesn't work correctly with the classic theme. I fixed the issue and released a fixed version the next day.
v4.2.2 - two days later, I've received a bug report about an explorer crash. In fact, this bug is quite rare and it existed since the first versions of the tweaker, but I consider an explorer crash to be a serious issue, so I updated as soon as I fixed it. The fact that it got released right after v4.2 and v4.2.1 is a mere coincidence.

The tweaker is in no way "becoming the most frequently updated app".

Now, about silent updates, I would prefer not to allow this. The same way as old bugs are fixed, new bugs may be introduced, which can cause unexpected behavior or even an explorer crash without you expecting it.
The thing that I may consider in the feature is silent updates of "stable" versions, e.g. versions which have been released for over a week. This way they're less likely to cause issues.
Does the bug occur only when clicking on the tray icon?
Does the button on the dialog work?

I hardly believe it has anything to do with v4.2.2, as the changes aren't related to grouping.

Does the issue happen only with folders, or with all apps?

When you shut down your PC, you get a message box that says "Could not load library"?!
That's unexpected.

What version of the tweaker do you have?
Versions 4.2 and up show an error identifier next to the error message. I'd like to know what identifier does the message show.

Making the dialog support scaling is not difficult - just one function call.

The issue is (quoting

While TrueType fonts scale well, they do not scale linearly. That is, increasing the DPI by 10 percent does not generally increase a string's length by exactly 10 percent. The cumulative effect, especially in longer strings, might cause text in different resolutions to be relatively shorter or to be clipped or to wrap unexpectedly.

This is especially relevant to the tweaker because of the nature of the dialog - lots of checkboxes and tight spacing.

Look at the screenshot:

As you can see, many texts are clipped.

While it could be fixed in English by extending the controls to the maximum available width, it's not true for all languages. e.g.:

It might be solvable by adjusting the dialog dynamically, but that requires some work.

Also, as the dialog is used mostly for a one-time configuration, the issue is not critical.

(Taskbar Inspector supports scaling as it runs from the context of explorer)

I'm changing it to "idea" as this is not a bug.

Surely not a bug.

The list box is a standard Windows control, and I'm not sure that's possible, except for the space on the right, which I think would look ugly.

Currently you can use ctrl/shift for multiple selection, and Ctrl+A for selecting all (I think you suggested that). Those quite do the job.

Update (April 2022): Check out the Taskbar Clock Customization mod for Windhawk:

Original answer:

Hi Florian,

More customization of the taskbar clock is currently not planned for the tweaker, but keep in mind that you can also customize it using your system regional settings.

The only drawback is that this change is global, i.e. every application that shows a time/date will use this format.

Edit: there's also T-Clock Redux, last updated in 2018. Haven't used it myself.

For a permanent grouping, you might want to try using win7appid:

It allows you to assign Application IDs to shortcuts, so if you assign multiple shortcuts the same AppID, they will group.