
Plugging in a HDMI device causes all icons to become pixelated

rctgamer3 5 vuodet sitten pävittänyt Michael (Ramen Software) 5 vuodet sitten 5

I often plug in an external screen via HDMI, and all icons become pixelated. I have large icons on.

Image 235



I could reproduce the issue by changing the DPI on my computer. v5.6.0.2 beta should fix this. I don't have an HDMI cable at the moment, so I can't verify that this case is covered too. Please try the new beta version and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

Using version 5.6.


I could reproduce the issue by changing the DPI on my computer. v5.6.0.2 beta should fix this. I don't have an HDMI cable at the moment, so I can't verify that this case is covered too. Please try the new beta version and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

v5.6.0.2 seems to fix the issue! Thanks for fixing!