Scroll on trackpad/touchpad doesn't trigger mouse wheel options
I love the ability to change volume by scrolling on the mouse wheel. However, it doesn't seem to work when I scroll on my trackpad.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I'm also getting this problem. Works fine with a normal mouse but can't change the volume with the trackpad.
I also have this problem. Would like to see it fixed soon.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to make it work. I can reproduce the problem, but what happens is that the taskbar doesn't receive any mouse wheel events at all. You can see it with the Microsoft Spy++ tool. The corresponding message is WM_MOUSEWHEEL.
I have the same issue, however I accidentally found out that doing the "pinch to zoom" gesture works. From Spy++ output, it seems that doing that basically sends Ctrl+scroll events (MK_CONTROL and WM_MOUSEWHEEL).
Yep "pinch to zoom" event over taskbar works to change volume for me too.
Maybe it could be workaround somehow to send these "pinch to zoom" events by touchbar scroll..?
Maybe with your trackpad software, but I don't see how I can do it from the tweaker as it doesn't get any indication about touchbar scroll events.
Awesome - confirmed "pinch to zoom". I'm on a MacBook Pro with Boot Camp and its recent updates to enable Windows Precision Touchpad support in Windows 10.
I'm using the LG Gram's built-in trackpad.
". . . doing the "pinch to zoom" . . . ," gesture works for me too!
Also Happy to relate that connecting a Logitech M505 wireless USB mouse to my LG Gram laptop (LT)
works perfectly to control volume as 7TT intends it to do!
yup, can confirm on a HP laptop that none of the touchpad gestures can be regesitered by the 7TT.
Does anyone know if this has to do with Synaptics TouchPad? That's what I'm on and it hasn't worked. Don't know if its just me though (Razer Blade 2018 Advanced). I think Pinch to Zoom works on ELAN trackpads, but not Synaptics.
How can I install it? I did not find the detail on this page Taskbar Volume Control - Windhawk.
Does not work as flawlessly as 7+TT, and especially the middle click for muting. Could it be that it is not updated to the latest Win11 version?
I wonder if I can support the middle mouse button to control the pause and play of media playback, support side keys to control media switching songs