
Toggle hidden taskbar

Darren de Lima 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

I use an old utility called Total Taskbar Controller occasionally, to be able to toggle my taskbar on and off with a hotkey. This is similar to toggling the taskbar's hide/show effect, except it doesn't show on hovering the mouse at the screen edge.

Would it be possible to add this function to 7+TT?


The request is very specific, so I'm reluctant to add it to the tweaker. Meanwhile, you can have a similar functionality by using this method to run nircmd with the following command line:

nircmd win togglehide class Shell_TrayWnd

Similar to this? https://tweaker.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/613-option-to-disable-the-taskbar-altogether

I'd really like to be able to toggle the taskbar, too, with a hotkey, or disable it occasionally. It's useful when using RocketDock or StarDock stuff.