
A Bug?

RetiredEngineer 8 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Michael (Ramen Software) 8 lat temu 4

I run 7TT v5.2.1 on W7x64 Home Premium. When Auto-Hide the taskbar is turned on, Maximaze or Vertical Stretch will not redisplay the taskbar from any window. When I exit 7TT, W7 will redisplay the taskbar under the same conditions [1]. I think 7TT should fix this.

[1] The exception to this for W7 is with IE11 in F11 full screen mode, in which neither 7TT nor W7 will redisplay from Auto-Hide.

I've not found a way to edit my posted comments, and this one does need some clarification. What I should have said is " ... Maximaze or Vertical Stretch will not redisplay the taskbar from any window when the cursor is dragged to screen bottom." "When I exit 7TT, W7 will redisplay the taskbar when the cursor is dragged to screen bottom."

W trakcie analizy

Are you using the disable_topmost advanced option? That might be the cause. Try disabling it and let me know whether you're still seeing the issue.

Yes, setting disable_topmost to 0 restores autodisplay.


OK, so it sounds like the maximized window covers the taskbar, and therefore it's not displayed. It works as intended, it's not a bug.