
Option to disable the taskbar altogether.

larryschneider 8 שנים ago עודכן על ידי Michael (Ramen Software) 5 שנים ago 4

Of all the possible taskbar tweaks, it's always surprised me that the most obvious one is missing: Disable the taskbar altogether. There are times when I don't even want the taskbar to autohide, I want it to completely disappear.


That's unlikely to be implemented in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, but you can use e.g. winapiexec to show/hide the taskbar:

winapiexec.exe u@ShowWindow ( u@FindWindowW Shell_TrayWnd 0 ) 0

winapiexec.exe u@ShowWindow ( u@FindWindowW Shell_TrayWnd 0 ) 5


I really wish I could disable the taskbar sometimes, too - e.g. when using a taskbar replacement such as Stardock. Any chance you could add an option to toggle the taskbar with a hotkey or somesuch to 7+ Taskbar Tweaker? I'd really appreciate it!


Edit: I meant RocketDock, or NexusDock, or Stardock's Objectdock

You can use the command that I provided in the other comment. To use it with a hotkey with the tweaker, you can use the following guide (see my answer in that thread):
