
Transparency color intensity in Windows 10

Анонім 9 років тому оновлений 9 років тому 4
In the windows 10 there no option for intensity of color in taskbar.. making the effect of transparency more like a blur...

Add an option, even it is in advance option to control that intensity .

Would be fantastic to have, only option I'm missing for 7TT nirvana :)

This used to be a registry setting in earlier tech preview builds from what I understand, I suppose the underlying code to modify colour intensity & alpha for the taskbar background is still there.
I think the technique used in Windows 10 is different of the previous Windows .. i found a way to see the old color panel, like windows 8.1 and there is "color intensity" .. but when you do a change doesn't affect the taskbar or other color in Windows..i hope the RaM can implement this feature .. even it is only in taskbar ..
Thank you very much!

Is there any chance for an option to adjust the taskbar's actual transparency?