
decombine on hover + combine when full - a thought

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 12 years ago 0

I have my config set up to always show labels, auto combine when out of space, decombine on hover and show labels.

Having read another issue here I don't know if this is possible, but it seems like it'd be nice if when you mouse-over to decombine, that you could prevent windows from auto-combining elsewhere on the taskbar until the mouse leaves that group, so that the only change is the hovered group decombining, as that would stabilise the movement somewhat.

This is somewhat similar in concept to how browsers these days don't auto-resize tabs again when you close one till you mouse-exit the tab-bar.

The trick would be doing that without forcibly decombining things elsewhere on the taskbar that were combined by windows due to lack of space.



There's an open ticked about the issue:


Decombining on hover wasn't designed to work with the "Combine when taskbar is full" configuration, which obeys explorer's rules of when to (de)combine.

While it might be possible to improve the way it works, for now It doesn't work that good, and I'd suggest to avoid using both options simultaneously.


There's an open ticked about the issue:


Decombining on hover wasn't designed to work with the "Combine when taskbar is full" configuration, which obeys explorer's rules of when to (de)combine.

While it might be possible to improve the way it works, for now It doesn't work that good, and I'd suggest to avoid using both options simultaneously.