
Display Taskbar Overlapped By Maximized Windows Like "Auto-hide the Taskbar" Does

Anonim 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Michael (Ramen Software) 9 lat temu 1

In "Windows-7 > Taskbar and Start Menu Properties > Taskbar appearance > [X] Auto-hide the Taskbar", a vertically maximized window allows popping up the Taskbar by moving the mouse cursor past that window's bottom. Very nice.

However, 7+ has an option for display of vertically maximized windows which cover the displayed Taskbar area while still allowing the Taskbar to show itself. With this option, the complete Taskbar cannot be displayed by dragging the cursor to the bottom of maximized windows. Instead, the cursor must be dragged off-window onto a partially displayed area of the Taskbar before the Taskbar can be forced to fully display itself.

As a *Feature Request*, I'd like to see the Taskbar fully display itself when maximized windows cover it, and the cursor is dragged past their bottoms.

The "Auto-hide the Taskbar" option does exactly what you want, as far as I understand your request. The tweaker's option disable_topmost=2 was mostly designed for non-auto-hide taskbars.

Can you please clarify what's wrong with the "Auto-hide the Taskbar" option? Is it the thin line when the taskbar is hidden?