
Icons flickering when the whole taskbar is filled with tasks

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 11 years ago 7

When I got a lot of open programs, and the taskbar is so full that the icons/buttons have to be shrunk, the graphics on the icons begin to flicker when moving the mouse over them and some buttons start to be without an icon in general.

This doesn't happen while 7tt isn't running and the Win7-taskbar is set to not group.

7tt 4.2.7, Win7 64bit SP1






Fixed in v4.3.

I believe I fixed it.
Please try the following version and tell me whether it works as expected:


Yes, the icon-problem seems to be gone with this version.

But now a new oddity popped up:

When there's more than one instance of a program, the buttons are displaying the caption in the taskbar if the caption is changed. When there's only one instance, the caption isn't shown even it has been changed.

Settings are the same as above, so captions shouldn't be displayed at all, like it was the case in 4.2.7.

For example: http://i.imgur.com/5TbjQ77.jpg

First I thought this only happens with this texteditor (Notepad2, but then I was able to reproduce the bug with two or more instances of the videoplayer MPC-HC (1.6.8), when a video is being played, and thus the caption of the video-window is changed to the video-filename. This also happens with two or more Firefox-windows (not reliably), or two or more command-prompts with non-default titles (i.e. "title test").

Your link seems to be disabled, I'd love to get this file because this bug really annoys me.  Any idea of when the next version will be out?

For some reason Dropbox blocked by public links.
Here's an alternative link:

Currently, I can't say when a new version will be available.

It works, thank you!  This tweaker is awesome, keep up the good work.  :-)


I believe I fixed it.
Please try the following version and tell me whether it works as expected (second attempt):


Excellent, both issues seem to be fixed now. Thank you.

Great. I'll include the fix with the next version.

Creating a decombined button group without labels is tricky.

The solution is very hacky, let's hope it works for all cases now.

Fixed in v4.3.