Extend nocheck_minimize to include clicking on the active window's thumnail

Anonym 10 år siden opdateret af Michael (Ramen Software) 10 år siden 3
The option for minimizing regardless of whether the window claims to be able to minimize works for the various advanced mouse controls, but not for a simple click on the thumbnail of the active window. Could you please change this?


OK, I understand what you mean.
That happens because when you're using an option of the tweaker (such as minimize to scroll), the tweaker does the minimization, so it can control the behavior. When you click on a taskbar button, explorer does it, so the nocheck_minimize option has no effect
Under vurdering
Works for me, tested on the run dialog (Win+R).
Perhaps you've encountered it with a window which uses custom thumbnails as tabs (e.g. like IE does), and then the minimizing mechanism is different, and there's no way to force it to minimize.

If you hover over the taskbar button long enough for the thumbnail to pop up and then click on that, then it works. I'm talking about just clicking on the button itself (for cases where there's only one window in the group). If you scroll the mousewheel directly over the button it will work even for windows that don't normally support minimizing, and if you just click on the button itself for windows that DO support minimizing it will work (for example, having a single command prompt window open.)  I just want it to be the same with windows that don't normally minimize. (running windows 7, tested with the windows volume mixer and the winkey+r dialog.)
OK, I understand what you mean.
That happens because when you're using an option of the tweaker (such as minimize to scroll), the tweaker does the minimization, so it can control the behavior. When you click on a taskbar button, explorer does it, so the nocheck_minimize option has no effect

Kundesupport af UserEcho