Custom context menu with user-defined items
I like features in both available context menus (Jump list and Standard), but I can choose only one.
I think it would be nice to have a 7+ Taskbar Tweaker-defined context menu with configurable items. These items would include not only those in the existing menus, but also user-defined items. Each item would have 4 attributes: a title, execution path, working directory, and arguments.
Very similar to how Visual Studio does with its "External Tools".
I *love* this app by the way. I'm a developer, and sometimes annoying UI shortcomings get in between my ideas and my code. This app fixes many of those. Keep it up!
I think it would be nice to have a 7+ Taskbar Tweaker-defined context menu with configurable items. These items would include not only those in the existing menus, but also user-defined items. Each item would have 4 attributes: a title, execution path, working directory, and arguments.
Very similar to how Visual Studio does with its "External Tools".
I *love* this app by the way. I'm a developer, and sometimes annoying UI shortcomings get in between my ideas and my code. This app fixes many of those. Keep it up!
Servicio de atención al cliente por UserEcho
(after some Googling)
I've never used it, so I can't say how well it works, but seems like it does what you're asking.
It's too bad your app is not open source. I might like taking a stab at assimilating that into your app. Theirs is C#. Guessing yours is native C++?
You can as well write an application from scratch.
I don't see how the source code of the tweaker will help you.
The only relevant thing it provides is a readily injected DLL, which I'm not even sure is needed here.
It doesn't have code that manipulates either the jump list or the classic window menu.
Then I stumble across your app. Small, lightweight, portable. Open sourc....oh wait, it's not. Damn. You've got the infrastructure, even if it is just translating checkbox ticks and dll hooks into WPARAMs and LPARAMs and sending them via PostMessage(). It's so close to being the last stop for all my HCI needs and I wants it. I wants the precious (even if it means I have to deal with those awful winapi objects...sorry bad memories).
It's your code, so you have every right to do with it what you want. If you do choose to keep it closed, at least consider the possibility of making it pluggable. But hey, thanks again. Seriously, this app really makes my job much smoother.
Oh and one more quick suggestion and I'll stop bugging you. Add the Donate link in the Suggestions page. Those are the folks who donate right? Maybe I'm just scatterbrained at the moment, but it took me a minute to figure out "Our website" was where I needed to go to find the Donate link.
I have a window with lots of checkboxes, where I ran out of space.
Now I'm adding most of the new tweaker to what I call "advanced options".
But yes, it works, and it's probably good enough.
> If you do choose to keep it closed, at least consider the possibility of making it pluggable.
I'm open to suggestions :)
> Add the Donate link in the Suggestions page.
Done, thanks for the tip.
And thanks for the donation, I really appreciate it!