Not a bug
Bugs bei Taskleisten-Button, Überfahren mit dem Mauszeiger
Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard):
Zeigt bei manchen Button nach einer langen Pause (!) "Quick"text (Tooltip), bei andern gar nichts.
Zeigt bei manchen Button nach einer langen Pause (!) "Quick"text (Tooltip), bei andern gar nichts.
Zeigt gar nichts.
Nichts anzeigen:
Zeigt gar nichts. (Ok)
Zeigt bei manchen Button nach einer langen Pause (!) "Quick"text (Tooltip), bei andern gar nichts.
Zeigt bei manchen Button nach einer langen Pause (!) "Quick"text (Tooltip), bei andern gar nichts.
Zeigt gar nichts.
Nichts anzeigen:
Zeigt gar nichts. (Ok)
Under review
I don't speak German, but Google Translate gave me a rough idea about the bug.
What Windows version are you using? Does it work correctly when the tweaker is not running?
What Windows version are you using? Does it work correctly when the tweaker is not running?
Thank you for your quick reply! Sorry for the language, but on the webseite there is a button where i have
choosen "DE", thinking that it is also for posts. I try it in english, with translators ... But i don't know the
english version for what is written on dialog forms; this rest in german.
System: Windows 7 Professional, 64 Bit, with Service Pack 1.
Without the tweaker, i remember that i have made a registry add (found on websites, also from Microsoft) for not seeing always the long list-popups in direction above, when i am with the mouse over the taskbar.
That was the new value name in
with the value in milliseconds (hex.) for delay time until the popup-lists come up.
Default without this value is 400 milliseconds, and i had setted 10 seconds (this was nearly the same as "i
never want to see that").
After such changes it is necessary to restart the computer or at minimum the Windows Explorer, for the system to taking the new (oder deleted) value.
And i have set grouping taskbar items to No (Start, "Einstellungen", "Taskleiste und Startmenü",
Register "Taskleiste", "Schaltflächen der Taskleiste" = "nie gruppieren" [never grouping task buttons]).
Now i have tested without an with tweaker and without and with the delay times in registry.
On the taskbar there are buttons for the started:
4 x Editor (notepad.exe)
2 x regedit
3 x Internet Explorer 10 (1 with 2 Tabs)
Visual Basic for the Excel
Windows Explorer for Computer
Windows Explorer for a user folder
A) Registry original (no special delay value)
A1) Without tweaker:
By each task button appears quickly a list-popup with wide buttons containing all calls for that program (Editors etc., and Excel and Visual Basic together) and a x for closing the call of the program.
A2) With tweaker:
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Popup with only this call of the programm (not a list of multiple calls).
2) "Liste": Same as 1)
3) "Tooltip": After a pause tooltips bei some of the task bar buttons:
yes by Outlook, bei first call Editor, by Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path, Internet Explorer('s);
no by regedit, by later calls Editor, by Explorer Computer, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
B) In Registry 100 Milliseconds (less than default 400)
B1) Without tweaker:
Popups with all calls for the programm (list Editors etc.).
After a pause (ca. 2 seconds) sometimes also a quick text:
yes by Internet Explorer;
no by Editor, regedit, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer Computer, Explorer user path
B2) With tweaker:
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Quickly popups with 1 (by IE with 2 Tabs 2) line and x
2) "Liste": same as 1)
3) "Tooltip":
quickly tooltip (quick text) for IE, 1. Editor, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path;
nothing by regedit, Explorer Computer, Tweaker
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
C) In Registry 5000 Millisec (5 Sec)
C1) Without tweaker
After ca. 2 seconds tooltip by 2 from the 4 Editors, by IE, Outlook, Excel, Visual Bacis, Explorer user path;
no tooltip in this 2 seconds by regedit, Explorer Computer.
After ca. 5 seconds popup containing the programm call(s). After this point, when i move the mouse, the popups come quickly bei the other task bar buttons.
C2) With tweaker
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Same as without tweaker
2) "Liste": same as 1)
3) "Tooltip": After ca. 6 seconds tooltip by the first 2 Editors, by IE, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path;
nothing by the following 2 Editors, Explorer Computer, Tweaker.
After the first tooltip the tooltip by the other task bar buttons (only such with tooltip) appears quickly.
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
It seams that Windows himself is buggy with this tooltip- and list-popup-systems.
Can you override that?
I want a quickly tooltip by each (all) task bar buttons, for seeing the complete path, program or file name (Excel etc.). I need never the list popups (but actually, with tweaker, this seams the best method for getting quickly more information for the button - and by each button - by mouse-over).
I want just the Windows-XP-Behaviour ...
And another annoying thing: Wenn i move a task bar button to another place on the taskbar, then the list-popup appears, even bevor the delay time in registry. So i can often not see, where i want to put the button; the popup for buttons in rows 2 etc. are over the buttons in row 1 etc.
I need the Task Bar Tweaker for placing new program-calls after the previous, and not grouping things ("never grouping" don't make that, in the Windows settings) in a way that have for me no importance.
Thank you for your work therefore; this works fine!
choosen "DE", thinking that it is also for posts. I try it in english, with translators ... But i don't know the
english version for what is written on dialog forms; this rest in german.
System: Windows 7 Professional, 64 Bit, with Service Pack 1.
Without the tweaker, i remember that i have made a registry add (found on websites, also from Microsoft) for not seeing always the long list-popups in direction above, when i am with the mouse over the taskbar.
That was the new value name in
with the value in milliseconds (hex.) for delay time until the popup-lists come up.
Default without this value is 400 milliseconds, and i had setted 10 seconds (this was nearly the same as "i
never want to see that").
After such changes it is necessary to restart the computer or at minimum the Windows Explorer, for the system to taking the new (oder deleted) value.
And i have set grouping taskbar items to No (Start, "Einstellungen", "Taskleiste und Startmenü",
Register "Taskleiste", "Schaltflächen der Taskleiste" = "nie gruppieren" [never grouping task buttons]).
Now i have tested without an with tweaker and without and with the delay times in registry.
On the taskbar there are buttons for the started:
4 x Editor (notepad.exe)
2 x regedit
3 x Internet Explorer 10 (1 with 2 Tabs)
Visual Basic for the Excel
Windows Explorer for Computer
Windows Explorer for a user folder
A) Registry original (no special delay value)
A1) Without tweaker:
By each task button appears quickly a list-popup with wide buttons containing all calls for that program (Editors etc., and Excel and Visual Basic together) and a x for closing the call of the program.
A2) With tweaker:
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Popup with only this call of the programm (not a list of multiple calls).
2) "Liste": Same as 1)
3) "Tooltip": After a pause tooltips bei some of the task bar buttons:
yes by Outlook, bei first call Editor, by Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path, Internet Explorer('s);
no by regedit, by later calls Editor, by Explorer Computer, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
B) In Registry 100 Milliseconds (less than default 400)
B1) Without tweaker:
Popups with all calls for the programm (list Editors etc.).
After a pause (ca. 2 seconds) sometimes also a quick text:
yes by Internet Explorer;
no by Editor, regedit, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer Computer, Explorer user path
B2) With tweaker:
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Quickly popups with 1 (by IE with 2 Tabs 2) line and x
2) "Liste": same as 1)
3) "Tooltip":
quickly tooltip (quick text) for IE, 1. Editor, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path;
nothing by regedit, Explorer Computer, Tweaker
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
C) In Registry 5000 Millisec (5 Sec)
C1) Without tweaker
After ca. 2 seconds tooltip by 2 from the 4 Editors, by IE, Outlook, Excel, Visual Bacis, Explorer user path;
no tooltip in this 2 seconds by regedit, Explorer Computer.
After ca. 5 seconds popup containing the programm call(s). After this point, when i move the mouse, the popups come quickly bei the other task bar buttons.
C2) With tweaker
1) "Miniaturansichten zeigen (Standard)": Same as without tweaker
2) "Liste": same as 1)
3) "Tooltip": After ca. 6 seconds tooltip by the first 2 Editors, by IE, Outlook, Excel, Visual Basic, Explorer user path;
nothing by the following 2 Editors, Explorer Computer, Tweaker.
After the first tooltip the tooltip by the other task bar buttons (only such with tooltip) appears quickly.
4) "Nichts anzeigen": nothing
It seams that Windows himself is buggy with this tooltip- and list-popup-systems.
Can you override that?
I want a quickly tooltip by each (all) task bar buttons, for seeing the complete path, program or file name (Excel etc.). I need never the list popups (but actually, with tweaker, this seams the best method for getting quickly more information for the button - and by each button - by mouse-over).
I want just the Windows-XP-Behaviour ...
And another annoying thing: Wenn i move a task bar button to another place on the taskbar, then the list-popup appears, even bevor the delay time in registry. So i can often not see, where i want to put the button; the popup for buttons in rows 2 etc. are over the buttons in row 1 etc.
I need the Task Bar Tweaker for placing new program-calls after the previous, and not grouping things ("never grouping" don't make that, in the Windows settings) in a way that have for me no importance.
Thank you for your work therefore; this works fine!
So if my understanding is correct, the issue is that the tooltip is being shown for some taskbar items, but not for others. It's that right?
By default, the taskbar doesn't show tooltips when all the text is visible on the button, only when it's truncated.
By default, the taskbar doesn't show tooltips when all the text is visible on the button, only when it's truncated.
It depends from ExtendedUIHoverTime and if with or without Tweaker, as tested and listed (A-C). A Pause from ca. 6 seconds, until a tooltip appears, ist too long and not usable.
I don't have looked for the length of the text on the taskbar buttons, if that was truncated or not. When i move the mouse over the taskbar buttons, i will - when i have setted Tweaker to tooltips - see by each button a tooltip quickly; same as with Windows XP. Viewing once the tooltip, once no, is not comfortable, even when the text on the taskbar button possibly contains the main information for this program/application/Window.
I don't have looked for the length of the text on the taskbar buttons, if that was truncated or not. When i move the mouse over the taskbar buttons, i will - when i have setted Tweaker to tooltips - see by each button a tooltip quickly; same as with Windows XP. Viewing once the tooltip, once no, is not comfortable, even when the text on the taskbar button possibly contains the main information for this program/application/Window.
Not a bug
I'm not sure I understand what the issue is, and it's quite old, so I'll close it.
If it's still an issue, making a video that demonstrates it will help.
If it's still an issue, making a video that demonstrates it will help.
I need to uninstall the tweaker, and reinstall. After that, it works again. The problem with the newest update was last night, not quite old.
The topic was created 11 months ago, so it surely is not about the latest update. But as far as I understand, it works now.
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If it's still an issue, making a video that demonstrates it will help.