
Don't hide language bar in RDP

Anonymous 9 years ago updated by Roland Pihlakas 4 months ago 2
Currently if you enter RDP, the language bar is hidden. Likely, that is done in order to not confuse customers and to omit sync between "host" and "target" language bars.

However, because of this feature, icons on system tray "jumps" each time you enter/exit RDP, leading to missclick sometimes. That's really annoying. It doesn't matter whether you use RDCM or not.

Wish: Add ability to disable language bar hiding when RDP mode is entered.

Проблема актуальна, бесит!

Hello! I created a Windhawk mod that addresses your needs. You can get it here:


It has three operation modes you can choose from:

  1. Make the language indicator visible except when Windows wants to hide it temporarily. At the same time, the layout is fixed by the mod. This means that when Windows hides the language indicator temporarily while a Remote Desktop window is in foreground, then the space for the indicator is preserved by the mod, thereby avoiding the tray area from jumping around - there will be an empty space preserving the place of the language indicator.
  2. Hide the language indicator persistently. This option is useful considering that after a reboot, Windows itself normally "forgets" the system setting to hide the language indicator. With this option, the mod overrides whatever Windows is trying to do to the language indicator.
  3. Make the language indicator always visible, including when a Remote Desktop window is in foreground. This option again prevents the tray area from jumping around. Note that when Remote Desktop window is in foreground, then the language choice visible in the language indicator has no real effect - it is there just to avoid visual distractions.