Not a bug

Buged mouse wheel volume in latest Betaegerg

Ajvar 9 שנים ago עודכן על ידי Michael (Ramen Software) 9 שנים ago 6
Hello. Latest Beta has buged Mouse Wheel Volume control over taskbar icon panel. When I try to change volume the aappeared notification of icons there may interfere.


Not a bug
OK, let me know if you manage to reproduce it.
Under review
Please specify your tweaker version, and provide exact steps to reproduce the problem. Thanks.
Sure. I used Windows 7 and latest beta as of 2 days ago (believe it's Task Panel was on the right side, vertically. One of icons was Nvidia's tray icon. Even after I started scrolling to chage volume I got appeared baloon messages from Nvidia tray icon if arrow was on it and from others if arrow was on others. Sometimes just freezes of vlume control even when nothing appeared.

I immediately went back to stable version and all was cool again.
I'm not able to reproduce it. Could you please provide a screenshot to clarify what you mean? Which balloon messages are you referring to? How it is different from the stable version?
Fine. It is different that after it appears I can't continue changing volume.
Will install it again, fine.
OK, I did it and now it seems working without a hitch. Maybe that bug reapper, maybe not. If it does I will record it to prove it's true but I hope it will never do.

Thanks for respond.
Not a bug
OK, let me know if you manage to reproduce it.