[Enhancement] "Cycle through windows" should have a consistent, controllable order in which it cycles

Twisted_Code il y a 3 ans mis à jour il y a 3 ans 3

Expected behavior: the order in which "cycle through Windows" cycles should be consistent and preferably controllable. One option is to make it use the order of the windows in the window preview, since that can be reordered using one of the other options

actual behavior: the order starts out based on the order in which windows were created, but sometimes changes for a reason I'm unable to determine, and therefore unable to control.

note that I consider this an enhancement since it still technically cycles as described. It's just not very consistent about the order!

Other than this the app works great! Where can I donate? :-)

The "Cycle through windows" option uses a Windows feature, which can also be used without the tweaker by holding the control key. I think the order of cycling is such that the most recently used windows come first. Currently the tweaker provides no extra control for the cycling order, I might look into it in the future.

Where can I donate

You can donate here. Thank you.

it's definitely not "most recently used windows come first" (or if it is, its definition of "recently used" is not straightforward), since if I have 4 windows, one in each corner, and I click each one in order, it doesn't go in that order no matter how many times I iterate over it.

however, I certainly understand the difficulty that would arise from trying to implement it yourself. Actually I had forgotten that was a Windows feature you were just hooking into.

the ordering could be more predictable once you not grouping some of the items (esp. for the pinned items for me)  AND unclick the place new one next to the preexist ones such that things will always get created after the rightmost items/groups. Just use alt+tab to cycle lol