"Decombine on Hover" with multi-row taskbar creates unusable expansions

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When the taskbar has been resized to allow more than one row of icons, it is possible for an 'uncombine-on-zoom' to and up spanning rows. Eg, if Explorer is the right-most icon on the top row, and I expand the group, some of the expansion may end up on the left side of the 2nd row.

There is no mouse path to get to the second row without collapsing the group, so these become un-selectable.

it's not. try to read the FAQs of the advance options to mess around them first before u condiser them as 'bugs'.

Could you please be a little bit more clear? Your comment isn't really giving me much to go off of. 

Are you saying that it's not possible for a decombine to end up on multiple rows? Because I assure you it is.

Are you saying  that there is a setting I'm missing to fix this? I tried everything I could find before commenting, and have went back and looked again. The only advanced option to even mention multiple rows is multirow_equal_width, which isn't helpful here.

Are you saying it's a known limitation? I can't find anything in the FAQ about it.

Take this expansion of Explorer

It is impossible to move the mouse between the two red boxes, as they will decombine.

How do you get around this?

It is a known limitation, and it is indeed not listed in the FAQ or the documentation. Currently there's no fix for it, only workarounds, such as enabling "Decombine: Active group" and having the group active while moving the mouse to the other side.


Thanks for the info! It's not really causing me too much trouble. It was more of a "I ran into this, might as well report it as a bug so it's known about." 

Thanks for all of the work you've put into this program, it's really useful!