
Option to always display titles on previews, regardless of what the "Show Labels" is set to.

Anonüümne 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael (Ramen Software) 11 aastat tagasi 1
Now it is always the opposite, making it hard to find windows when the taskbar is full, but labels are set to on for a set of combined buttons.


There's actually an "advanced option" for that.
  • Right click on the tweaker's tray icon.
  • Choose "Advanced options".
  • Change "always_show_thumb_labels" to 1.
  • Refer to the help file for more details.
There's actually an "advanced option" for that.
  • Right click on the tweaker's tray icon.
  • Choose "Advanced options".
  • Change "always_show_thumb_labels" to 1.
  • Refer to the help file for more details.
Wow thanks, didn't think to look there :D awesome, does exactly what i was looking for :D