Maintain chocolatey package for command-line installation

Amyn 4 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 4 years ago 1

Chocolatey is a command-line package manager for Windows, similar to apt-get for linux or npm for nodejs.

Someone has provided a package for 7TT there Chocolatey Software | 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.8,

which means I can run `choco install 7-taskbar-tweaker` from a Powershell prompt for a quick and silent install.

Unfortunately it's still on 5.8 and hasn't seen an update since oct 2019, which fails to 

If the developer of this software saw the value in using a package manager and decided to maintain a chocolatey package himself, this would solve the time gap often seen between a new release and the availability of a choco package for it.

I suppose since you own the release process, you'd be able to make the update automatic.

You might want to consider using Microsoft's winget, which keeps the tweaker automatically updated.