Not a bug

Error: Explorer failed to load the library code (WIN 10 20H2)

t-schmidt 3 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 3 years ago 5


Not a bug

Great, I'm glad that you solved the problem. Thanks for the donation, I appreciate it!

Under review

Please provide more details. What's the exact error message that you're getting?

I'm from Germany. The exact message is:

7+ Taskbar Tweaker: Konnte die Programmbibliothek nicht laden (7)

Explorer failed to run the library loading code.

The line in English is the translation of the line in German. The Message appears since a feature update.

Please try v5.10.0.9 beta, and let me know whether it fixes the problem.

You can get it here:


Sry, i forgot to post, that i tried that already. But i just found out, wat the problem was. I have a tool for SRP's. Before the update it worked, when i made a hash rule for the .exe file. I just tried deactivating all SRP's and it worked again. So finally i made a path rule instead of a hash rule and it worked too. Thank's for your efforts. I'll donate a few dollars!

Not a bug

Great, I'm glad that you solved the problem. Thanks for the donation, I appreciate it!