Bug: Thumbnail Drag to Reorder causes endless explorer crash loop when displaying thumbnails
Windows version: 20H2
7T version: 5.10
Repo steps:
1. Enable "Drag to Reorder" under Thumbnails
2. Windows option: "Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode" enabled
3. Hover over a program such that a thumbnail displays (thumbnail will never actually display)
Result: explorer will crash, causing taskbars to show, hide, crash and repeat until 7t Taskbar Tweaker is killed.
Interesting find: If option is enabled and thumbnail displayed while taskbars are not hidden, explorer will crash as soon as taskbars are hidden.
Not a huge deal for me as I use right click to drag groups 99% of the time; but I finally found the magic combination and thought I'd submit a bug report for you. Low priority for me. Willing to provide more info/testing if desired.
Bug does not occur with version
Of course, I thought about trying the beta after making my post ;)
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
Should be fixed in v5.10.1.