
Pinned Items and Open Pinned items Combining

Vinny 3 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 3 years ago 11

I'm new to this, so maybe it's been suggested or there is a way to do it.

I'm trying to make my interface more like Linux, where the pinned items act more like application shortcuts that do not combine. I like to have my open items on my taskbar separate from the pinned items. Now what I'd really like is for open items to combine as they do in Linux, but not combine over their pinned item icon. I want them to combine on themselves.

For example, I'd like the two firefoxes to combine on the first one, but not on the pinned item. Is this possible?

Image 414

Under review

I didn't fully understand what you're trying to achieve. Can you post your tweaker settings?

If you want the two Firefox buttons to look like a single item, enable grouping and combining:

Here are my current settings:

What I'm hoping for is a way to make combined items combine not on the pinned icon, as they do in Manjaro Linux and other XFCE distros. (Notice the 3 sign on firefox). I know this may be a pipe dream and not possible, but I thought I'd ask anyways. Thanks again

Did you try the options that I suggested in my previous comment? It should achieve what you're asking for.

You selected "Don't group", and so each Firefox button is independent on your taskbar. Refer to the help file of the tweaker for more details.

Yeah, each firefox button is independent. But what I'm asking is for them to group but not on the pinned one. I want the open firefox windows to group on themselves and not the pinned shortcut (item), as they do in Linux (picture above). I tried what you suggested and my taskbar ends up looking like this: the pinned items are mixed with the open windows, which I think looks cluttered. I think what I'm asking is not available. Thanks for your help 

Why did you uncheck "Don't group pinned items"? Sorry for the misleading picture, I meant to refer only to the highlighted options. Please recheck "Don't group pinned items" and see if that's what you're looking for.

Okay, and no problem lol. So here are my settings, and here is my taskbar.

As you can see it functions almost the way I'd like it to if only the open tabs of the same application would stack on the first instance of the application (Pinned Items and Ope...) and not stack on the pinned icon, which I'd like to act as just a shortcut. 

That's strange, with "Combine grouped buttons", there should be only one Firefox item, not three. Can you open Taskbar Inspector when there are several open Firefox windows open, and post here the screenshot?

Sure, no problem:

I can think of only one explanation: perhaps you changed Firefox to specifically not combine.

  1. If you right click on Firefox's AppId (here), are there any configured settings?
  2. If you open multiple windows of a different app (say, Notepad), do you still see multiple items? 

Yeah unfortunately when I use other programs they also do not combine on themselves. I'm brainstorming also: other than classic start menu, I don't have any other mods running that affect the taskbar. Also, for my windows settings I have them set to combine when taskbar is full (I don't think this has any effect but thought I'd mention it).


Ahhh, the Windows setting was indeed causing the problem after all!! After changing the setting to "Never combine items" in the Windows taskbar settings, the items now combine correctly.

Thank you very much for your time and patience, Vinnie


Right, makes sense.
Combining options weren't designed to work with the "Combine when taskbar is full" configuration.

With "Combine when taskbar is full", Windows decides when to combine/decombine groups, according to the available free space, and so the tweaker options for combining have no effect.