
Dragging within groups seems not to work (with particular settings)

LinuxOnTheDesktop 3 years ago updated by Michael (Ramen Software) 3 years ago 3

Hello! As I reported initially on the end of an old thread, I do not seem to have any Mouse Button Options set and yet I

cannot drag between groups/ I have v. 5.10 of the Tweaker on Windows 10 2009. Screenshot of my settings is here and (the mouse settings) here.

I would appreciate any help. By the way, I find your tool very valuable.

Under review

I assume you're talking about the "Drag within/between groups using right mouse button" option? Did I get it right that all other options work, but this option has no effect? As in, you hold your right mouse button, move it within a group, and nothing happens? Did the option work before?

Just to avoid confusion, please see the short video here and make sure that you're trying to use the option correctly.

I am sorry if I have been unclear. Let me clarify. '[Y]ou're talking about the "Drag within/between groups using right mouse button" option': yes. '[A]ll other options work, but this option has no effect': yes. But - ah: I discover the real problem. The dragging is working; but there is no visual feedback, which, I submit, would throw anyone. Perhaps this video (on Box) which I have taken will help.


Yeah, it can be confusing with this setup. It's clearer if thumbnails or a list (and not only a tooltip) is shown on hover. It would also be clearer if the icons would be different. A potential enhancement can involve adding some kind of a visual indicator or animation to make it clearer that the re-ordering takes place. Maybe one day...